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Yesterday I got to live my first Vogue Fashion Night Out in Madrid.

Ever since I got here I wanted to experience a fashion event so badly!

I had no idea what to wear! Even though I work in fashion sometimes I have doubts on what to wear…

I decided to wear something casual with a punch, I was going to walk Serrano and Lagasca and I’m still no used to walk in heels (this much at least).

Jeans are always a good idea, what I love the must about this pair is its ripped and flared bottom, it adds a chic twits, here in Madrid we still can feel the summer, I wanted to wear a blue shirt but when I tried it on a starter melting so I changed it for a white tank top; I just needed accessories, I put on my red bag, big pearl earrings and a pair of shades to complete my VFNO look.

By the time I got to the event I got see how everybody dresses for a fashion event in Madrid, I’m amazed everyone is so fashion! Teen girls wearing the top trends of the moment joined by their fashion moms with spotless styles, from really famous Spanish bloggers to people who just love fashion the party was just starting.

My first stop was Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada, I love her store it is like a color parade, the minute I got in I felt the joy of being part of this, Agatha was right there welcoming her guests, we where all her guests, the sound of the DJ and the amazing drinks rapped us into her Technicolor world.

As I walked by and enter the stores I felt more welcome to this fantastic fashion world, everyone is invited no guest lists, the most exclusive stores are part of this big event, they transform their boutiques into a big party.

Serrano was crowded but no by tourists, it looked like a big runway.

After a few hours walking and enjoying I finally arrived to my last stop, into one of my favorite stores and brand: Pinko, where I got to enjoy a delicious mojito and said goodbye to my first fashion event in Madrid.

I had a blast!

Tank Top: H&M, Jeans: Bershka, Sunglasses: Ray-Ban, Bag: Gucci, Shoes: H&M

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